Barney Style
So I have scoured the web and FINALLY was able to extract all the pieces, in order to properly configure my network components. I have been running my crap for a long time with a configuration that worked, but was scared to really change it. I didn't know the real in's and out's of what I had did and it took me a long time. I didn't want to waste another forever trying to fix it if I broke it.
That was a few years ago. Well, recently, I needed more from my network, and I also wanted to KNOW how to do it, and how to fix it if I broke it. I spent a good week searching the web and forums and github and manufacturers web sites and etc... etc... etc. Once I finally found the parts I was looking for and put it all together, I can finally say, "HOLY CRAP! This is easy!!"
I would also like to say that if you do not have all the parts and pieces or the understanding of how they work together...
IT IS NOT EASY! Finding all those pieces, IS NOT EASY! The #1 problem out there is that there are so many people that do understand it, and have all the pieces, so it is "easy" for them. And when the noob comes knocking and asking questions, they only get answers to the question, not an explanation of how it all fits. A lot of the write ups and conversations assume you know the rest. The #2 problem is that the noobs asking questions, do not have all the information to even know what they should ask.
I have been fortunate in my ability to put pieces together, and when trying to do anything I always try and keep it as simple as possible. Once I understand what I am doing or did, then I expand on what I know, or start looking to improve on what I know.
Below I am going to show all the commands and configs that I used to setup my home network, my lab, external networks, everything! That perhaps may sound like a mouth full or daunting, but I can insure you it is not. You will call it "easy" too when I am done.